As a Java EE developer, I sometimes envy how fast it’s possible to see the result of a code change in a running application with interpreted languages like PHP or JavaScript. With Java, it’s always necessary to rebuild the source code in a bytecode, which can be then safely updated only by restarting the whole application. And all developers know that restoring the desired state of the application after a fresh restart takes time and is tedious. A while ago I’ve come across an opensource tool called HotswapAgent that speeds up code reloading. (more…)

MVC 1.0 is an action-based Model-View-Controller web framework, which will be a part of future Java EE 8. It will live side by side with component-based JSF framework and will provide an alternative for building HTML+javascript oriented applications with full control over URLs.

This post summarizes what needs to be done in order to use Facelets instead of default JSP as a view technology for MVC framework.
