EclipseCon conference is a great event for all Java developers, especially those who are passionate about and believe in opensource. The conference is scheduled for 26-28 October 2021. I wholeheartedly recommend to attend it. It’s a free online event, you just need to register to attend:

Specifically for users of Jakarta EE it might be even more interesting to attend the Jakarta EE Community Day, which happens the day before the main conference on 25 October 2021. It’s open to all people that register for the main EclipseCon event. There’s a packed agenda centered on the Jakarta EE, MicroProfile and Cloud Native Java communities, including topics like the present and future of MicroProfile and Jakarta EE, and upcoming features in Jakarta Security, Jakarta Concurrency, Jakarta REST, and Jakarta NoSQL.

If you’re interested, I recommend reading an article of Reza Rahman about what’s happening at the Community Day and why to attend it. Or simply go ahead and register for EclipseCon 2021!

Recently, we had a discussion how to create a standalone Jakarta Batch test kit (TCK). For most of the committers, it’s pretty natural to use Arquillian to abstracts tests away from how they are executed on an implementation. But Romain proposed an intriguing idea to use plain JUnit5 that got me thinking. And it didn’t stop with thinking. After a few hours of hacking, I’m now able to present a proof of concept and suggest how we could use plain JUnit5 for the TCK and also how containers can be integrated with it using good old Arquillian to avoid reinventing the wheel.


MVC 1.0 is an action-based Model-View-Controller web framework, which will be a part of future Java EE 8. It will live side by side with component-based JSF framework and will provide an alternative for building HTML+javascript oriented applications with full control over URLs.

This post summarizes what needs to be done in order to use Facelets instead of default JSP as a view technology for MVC framework.
