Threads, concurrency, or synchronization are not very easy to understand concepts. When some concurrency is involved in our applications it’s pretty hard to avoid making mistakes. Although Java provides mechanisms to deal with parallel programming, sometimes there are just too many options. And often some essential options are missing. For web applications, Jakarta EE provides a simplified programming model to deal with parallel tasks. But in order to use it effectively and avoid mistakes, you need to understand the basic concepts which I’d like to explain here.


The security before Java EE 8 / Jakarta EE 8 used to be a bit complicated and confusing. Every specification provided its own way to retrieve information about the logged-in user. The situation greatly improved with the introduction of the Security API that provides a unified way to do that – simply inject the SecurityContext CDI bean.


Recently, we had a discussion how to create a standalone Jakarta Batch test kit (TCK). For most of the committers, it’s pretty natural to use Arquillian to abstracts tests away from how they are executed on an implementation. But Romain proposed an intriguing idea to use plain JUnit5 that got me thinking. And it didn’t stop with thinking. After a few hours of hacking, I’m now able to present a proof of concept and suggest how we could use plain JUnit5 for the TCK and also how containers can be integrated with it using good old Arquillian to avoid reinventing the wheel.


Last week, Oracle announced their intentions to open Java EE and transfer it to an open source foundation to continue its development in a more open way. I’ve been involved in some email discussions (here and here) and in a conference call organized by Oracle and I want to summarize what I know and expect in the future. I’m also a MicroProfile project member, so I’ll comment on its relation and future benefits to Java EE. (more…)

Well, not yet…but they announced to shutdown and kenai by May 2017. I have been interviewed about this for an ADTmag article The ‘Sunsetting’ of Kenai and

As Oracle provided little information to what will happen to critical projects that are already hosted on, most of what was written in the article is still valid. Therefore I’m reposting my comments here again.


Anton Smutný is a software engineering manager at Muehlbauer Group, an international industrial company specializing in wide array of technologies. At the technology center located in Nitra, Slovakia, they are building a new agile Java team to fulfil growing internal needs for innovation and automation. Their team approached me to guide them in adopting new features and best practices in Java EE 7 effectively.

Anton, what were the reasons for choosing Java and Java EE, which alternatives did you consider?

This was not a question of creativity or technology. We knew that we have to build up the thin web based applications. We also wanted to avoid the necessity to build native mobile apps besides usual desktop applications. Why? It was a luxury for us. (more…)

MVC 1.0 is an action-based Model-View-Controller web framework, which will be a part of future Java EE 8. It will live side by side with component-based JSF framework and will provide an alternative for building HTML+javascript oriented applications with full control over URLs.

This post summarizes what needs to be done in order to use Facelets instead of default JSP as a view technology for MVC framework.
